Project Report for Bank Loan Or Business Plan
Every Businessman is always look out for expansion of its business for which it requires funding. This funding would be available from banks or NBFCs or Private equity funding. Now, to get funding from banks as well as other financial institutions, every entrepreneur is required to prepare a detailed business plan which is also called as Project report for bank loan or Viability report or feasibility report.
When an entrepreneur conceives business idea, He tends to think a lot regarding its feasibility. However, if he does not put the same in writing and do a detailed calculation of cost involved and benefit derived, he can’t estimate whether it is viable or not and ultimately the idea gets dropped. Therefore, it is always advisable to prepare a detailed business plan or project report to understand whether it is workable or not.
We, at EzyBiz India, helps entrepreneur and businessman in preparing the detailed business plan or project report for bank loan at a fraction of the cost.
When project report or Business plan is required?
- For availing Business loan and working capital loan
- To convince investor to invest in business by way of private equity or debt
- For obtaining SSI registration
- To apply for industrial shed/plots
- In order to evaluate viability of projects
- In order to avail incentives/ subsidies
Consideration in project evaluation
- COST- how much is the cost of the project?
- RETURN- What will return form this project?
- RISK- How much risk involved in this project?
What Banks and PE firms look for in project report or business plan?
Entrepreneur Profile
Who are the persons behind the project i.e. whether individual or group of partners or promoters, their qualification, prior business experience, etc. The idea is to find whether people will be able to establish and manage the enterprise successfully.
Marketing Feasibility
Whether there is demand for a product in the market. Can it be sold on the market? Whether there is sufficient gap between demand and supply
Technical Feasibility
whether you have capability and infrastructure to manufacture this product, whether you have access to technology, Know how climate is favorable, etc
Financial Viability
Adequacy of return, an amount which you will generate at an end. Whether you have created enough money for redeployment. After meeting all expenses, whether whatever you left with is sufficient or adequate for running a business.
Socio Economic Benefits
Are there going to be some socio-economic benefit and what socio-economic costs are associated with it? If a cost of social benefits is more than a cost of social cost then we can say that project is viable.
In a nutshell, an entrepreneur or businessman has to go for any particular project only when He/ She has made a proper analysis of following 3 questions.
A detailed project report for bank loan or business plan helps an entrepreneur or businessman to provide an answer to a question above.
A typical plan of activities contains details of Entrepreneur, his products or services, demand and supply, type of raw material required, plant and machinery required, manpower requirement, process of manufacturing, financial condition and means of financing, It also includes financial projections i.e., projected balance sheet, projected profit and loss account, cash flow statements, CMA data, CMA report and Ratio analysis , etc
FAQs on Project Report for Bank Loan
Some of the components of project report are as under:
- Entrepreneur’s profile
- Products/service and its uses
- Demand and supply
- Raw material availability
- Plant and machinery
- Manufacturing process
- Manpower requirement
- Financial arrangements
- Marketing arrangements
- Implementation schedule
Some of the common assumptions made while preparing project report are as under:
- Raw material price will not change
- Selling price will not change
- of working days/year
- of shift per day
- No change in government policy
- Nothing abnormal will happen in life of project
- Total production will be saleable in market
- Manpower and utilities will be easily available.