Sale or Purchase of Business in India

Starting up your own business is a like a planned journey. Similarly, stepping out of it is no less than a journey. You need to properly plan and strategize for it. Selling or disposing of a business requires careful thinking and one needs to consider a few factors before actually doing it. Starting the business can be done only in one way, however, closure of business can be in form of selling, actual closing or merging etc.

It is not easy to decide on selling one’s business, but it has to be done under following situations:

  • Capital Crunch: When a company do not have the necessary funds to run the business operations.
  • Strategic Reason: You see a better opportunity coming up and sell the existing business to pursue it.
  • Family/Partnership Issues: You need money to tend to family problems or the partners involved have differences and decide to dissolve the partnership.
  • Market Saturation: The product your business is producing is less desirable or obsolete.
  • No Heir: You wish to retire and there is no one who can inherit the business.
  • Great Response from Buyer: a buyer is ready to offer an exceptionally high price for your business which you might not be able to earn in coming years.
  • Any other reason

It is completely an entrepreneur’s decision to start a business and also to end it. However, it is important that you reach the decision of selling your business at a correct point of time and only after weighing the pros and cons effectively.

For example: When the profits are high and sales are going good, you will find that putting up your  Small Business for sale will return most of the value. The other factors that can affect the value of selling the business are interest rates trends, general economic state, and change in tax laws etc.

Things to do before putting business for sale

Most individuals who buy businesses are either aspiring business owners or someone who owns a similar type of business. Sometimes, you can even transfer ownership through acquisition or merger. However, there are a few things who need to do at your end before putting your business for sale. These are as follows:

  • Pay up all taxes.
  • Do not keep any regulatory compliances pending
  • Clean up the balance sheet.
  • Keep a record of minimum two years financial audit statements.
  • Terminate insider deals.
  • Terminate poorly performing products.

Advantages of putting your business for sale through EZYBIZ:

(Business for Sale in Delhi, India)

There are many options available to a businessman for putting their business for sale.

  1. Direct negotiation with any potential buyer in vicinity or knowledge.
  2. Putting advertisement in print and social media
  3. Online business for sale through a number of websites dedicated solely to finding prospective buyers for entrepreneurs who wish to sell their running businesses.

EzyBiz India is one such professionally managed a website which can provide 360-degree support in online business for sale or purchase of business for potential buyers.

Advantage of putting your business for sale or purchase through us are as under

  • Expert Advice: Our dedicated team will offer a customized advice suitable to your situation that will help you choose better.
  • Due Diligence: Being a multi-professional firm, we will provide holistic approach in doing legal and financial due diligence
  • Pending compliance: We would be able to guide you wrt pending compliance under various statutes and also assist in completing the compliance.
  • A number of Potential Buyers: Through our contacts, we can find a number of buyers for your business and you can choose the one who you think are the best.
  • Transparency: A complete transparency of the entire process is guarante to both buyers and sellers.
  • Efficiency: It becomes quite efficient and time-saving when you decide to sell or purchase a business through Ezybiz as we take up the responsibility of finding the suitable party.
  • Valuation Services: Business value becomes quite commendable when a credible agency doe the valuation. It also becomes a plus point in buyers’ perspective. We at Ezybiz also provide  Business Valuation Services that will help you find better prospects.

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